Eligible Home FAQ's

How do I know if my home has Typlex?

Pro-fit pipes are grey pipes with ‘Iplex’ and ‘Typlex’ identified on the pipe.

If you can’t see the pipe readily and safely, please contact your builder, who should be able to confirm—either from their records or by visiting your home. 

My home was not built with Typlex pipes but has Iplex Pro-Fit pipes, is it Eligible?

Your home is not an Eligible Home under the Industry Response.

Iplex provides a product warranty covering manufacturing defects for its full range of plumbing products for a 25-year period commencing from either the date of delivery or sale of the product, whichever is later. Please contact the Iplex Customer Care team at product@iplex.com.au for more details on submitting a warranty claim. Further information can be found here.

If you have experienced a Plumbing Failure with another type of water service piping, and the construction of your home was completed within the last six years, you may still be able to make a building services complaint to the Building Commissioner.

I don’t know who my builder was. How can I find out?

Please contact your local council and request a copy of the building permit or plans, which your builder would have submitted.

If you still cannot find your builder, there may be scenarios where you could be recognised as a Qualified Homeowner. As a Qualified Homeowner, you may access the funding available under the IR and are eligible for the agreed work programme. Please contact waircustomer.care@iplex.com.au for more information.

My home was renovated with a Pro-fit Typlex pipe. Is my home still covered under the Industry Response?

Yes. All WA homes with Typlex pipes are eligible unless one of the exceptions applies.

I built my own home using a Pro-fit Typlex pipe. Is my home still covered under the Industry Response?

Yes. All WA homes with Typlex pipes are eligible, unless one of the exceptions applies .

As an owner builder, you can join the IR and be eligible for reimbursement of your direct costs in repairing your home according to the Agreed Work Programme. Please contact waircustomer.care@iplex.com.au for further details.

I just bought my home, and I am not the original owner. Is my home still covered by the Industry Response?

In most cases, your home is covered.

The only exception is if the original owner has already received compensation/settlement/judgment or another remedy in relation to the presence of all Typlex Pipes in the home, including through an insurance claim.