Please find below a list of questions and answers. If you have a question that is not listed, please contact the relevant contact point listed on the contact page.

These questions will be updated from time to time.

Eligible Home FAQ's

How do I know if my home has Typlex?

Pro-fit pipes are grey pipes with ‘Iplex’ and ‘Typlex’ identified on the pipe.

If you can’t see the pipe readily and safely, please contact your builder, who should be able to confirm—either from their records or by visiting your home. 

My home was not built with Typlex pipes but has Iplex Pro-Fit pipes, is it Eligible?

Your home is not an Eligible Home under the Industry Response.

Iplex provides a product warranty covering manufacturing defects for its full range of plumbing products for a 25-year period commencing from either the date of delivery or sale of the product, whichever is later. Please contact the Iplex Customer Care team at for more details on submitting a warranty claim. Further information can be found here.

If you have experienced a Plumbing Failure with another type of water service piping, and the construction of your home was completed within the last six years, you may still be able to make a building services complaint to the Building Commissioner.

I don’t know who my builder was. How can I find out?

Please contact your local council and request a copy of the building permit or plans, which your builder would have submitted.

If you still cannot find your builder, there may be scenarios where you could be recognised as a Qualified Homeowner. As a Qualified Homeowner, you may access the funding available under the IR and are eligible for the agreed work programme. Please contact for more information.

My home was renovated with a Pro-fit Typlex pipe. Is my home still covered under the Industry Response?

Yes. All WA homes with Typlex pipes are eligible unless one of the exceptions applies.

I built my own home using a Pro-fit Typlex pipe. Is my home still covered under the Industry Response?

Yes. All WA homes with Typlex pipes are eligible, unless one of the exceptions applies .

As an owner builder, you can join the IR and be eligible for reimbursement of your direct costs in repairing your home according to the Agreed Work Programme. Please contact for further details.

I just bought my home, and I am not the original owner. Is my home still covered by the Industry Response?

In most cases, your home is covered.

The only exception is if the original owner has already received compensation/settlement/judgment or another remedy in relation to the presence of all Typlex Pipes in the home, including through an insurance claim.

Agreed Work Programme FAQ's

When can I access repairs under the Agreed Work Programme?

If your builder is a Participating Builder, the Agreed Work Programme is available immediately to all Eligible Homes. If you have experienced a Plumbing Failure, contact your builder directly to discuss how the Agreed Work Programme applies to your circumstances.

What sort of Plumbing Failures are covered?

To be eligible for the Agreed Work Programme, the Plumbing Failure must be the unintended escape of water from a Typlex Pipe through a radial crack in the wall of the Typlex Pipe in an Eligible Home

The Agreed Work Programme is not available for a Plumbing Failure:

  • in a non-Typlex pipe
  • in any connector unit (fittings) that has been used to join two pieces of Typlex Pipe, or to join a Typlex Pipe with any other pipe or attachment;
  • resulting from the absence of, or failure in, any adhesive used to join a Typlex Pipe to a connector unit, or to join a Typlex Pipe to any other pipe or attachment;
  • caused by a rodent (or similar);
  • in a leaky faucet, washer or appliance;
  • through a hole, crack, cut or fracture in the Typlex Pipe caused by an act (deliberate or otherwise) of any person with the intention or effect of causing that hole, crack or fracture in the Typlex Pipe; and
  • accepted by Iplex as having been caused by a manufacturing defect and covered by an Iplex warranty.You will be eligible to complete a warranty claim in this case and should contact for details.


If a non-eligible Plumbing Failure is identified, you will need to organise and fund its repair and remediation work. That may involve reimbursing your builder if they have already done the work.

How much pipe is removed when fixing a Plumbing Failure?

Please note that every Plumbing Failure is different, and depending on different circumstances, the builder/plumber may require a couple of visits to fix the Plumber Failure. 

Under the IR, builders will endeavour to remove and replace the entire length of the failed pipe where practical, which means from the point where the pipe enters the ceiling of the affected room to termination at the plumbing fixture (if it is in the wall).

I have experienced multiple Plumbing Failures, but I haven’t received a ceiling re-pipe.

If you have experienced an eligible Plumbing Failure, your builder should offer to replace Typlex Pipes in the ceiling of the top floor. Please contact your builder to discuss and organise a ceiling re-pipe.


Will I qualify for the Agreed Work Programme if I have experienced a Plumbing Failure before the commencement of the IR?

Yes, Plumbing Failures that occurred before the commencement date of IR (13th November 2024) will be considered/ included under the Agreed Work Programme. For example:

  • If you had your first Plumbing Failure before the commencement of IR and haven’t received an offer to replace all Typlex pipes in the ceiling. The builder will organise a ceiling re-pipe 
  • If you have had two Plumbing Failures before the commencement of the IR and the damage work hasn’t been completed yet, you can choose to get a zone re-pipe. If your builder has already completed the damage repair work, a zone re-pipe under the Agreed Work Programme is not available
  • If you have had three or more Plumbing Failures before the commencement of IR, you can consult with your builder to get a full home re-pipe

If you have any questions, please contact your builder to discuss. 


How are homes prioritised?

All Plumbing Failures will be repaired and make safe work will be undertaken immediately.

If your home qualifies for more extensive repair or remediation, please speak to your builder about the plan for your home, as they will coordinate repair and building works and homeowner engagement. 

The intent is for builders to prioritise homes have already experienced more extensive Plumbing Failures based on the availability of trade and homeowners. Given there is a backlog of homes eligible for a full home re-pipe, there is likely to be a waiting period for homes to be scheduled for more extensive remediation.

Do I have to accept the remedial work under the Industry Response?


However, you should be aware that if you have carried out the repair or remediation work without involving your builder, you cannot seek reimbursement for those costs through the Industry Response.

I do not want my builder to carry out the works, what do I do?

You will need to speak to your builder about the plan for your home. They will coordinate the repair building works and homeowner engagement and may be able to help you with the right solution. 

They may arrange or subcontract the work (according to the Agreed Work Programme) through other builders or contractors. If your builder is participating in the IR, they will still be eligible for direct cost reimbursement even if they arrange for the work to be done by others.

What do I do if I have already funded my own repairs?

If you have carried out the repair or remediation work without involving your builder, you cannot seek reimbursement for those costs through the Industry Response. 

You may be entitled to make a building services complaint to the Building Commissioner, and, depending on the circumstances, an order may be made for some or all of the costs. 

Call your builder if you experience a Plumbing Failure or want more information. 

My home is a double storey home with Pro-fit Typlex pipe, is it Eligible under the agreed work programme?

Yes. All WA homes with Typlex pipes will be eligible as outlined by the IR.

How do I confirm my eligibility and the number of plumbing failures?

You can consult with your builder to confirm the following:

  • if your home is an Eligible Home
  • the number of Plumbing Failures that have occurred on your home/ property
  • repair or replacement work already completed on your home/property
  • If a Participating Builder built your Eligible Home, you can also request to provide a summary of the above (“property book request”). You will need to include your Full Name, relation to the home address and your home address


If you believe the information in the Property Book needs to be corrected, please work with your builder to update the property record.

Your builder will require sufficient evidence (including invoices of repairs and photos of plumbing failure taken by the plumber) of the Plumbing Failure to update the record against your property.


What new pipe is installed?

The new pipe is usually PEX; however, your builder and/or plumber will determine this. Other materials requested by the homeowner may result in a funding gap, which you will need to resolve with your builder.

What temporary accommodation will be offered if I require a full re-pipe?

If a full home re-pipe is to be done in your home and you can’t stay there while that’s occurring, you will be offered temporary accommodation, which will, where possible, cater to you and your family’s situation.

You will be required to enter into a short-term rental occupancy agreement with the relevant service provider.

If you arrange your own temporary accommodation outside of the IR process, the cost may be unfunded. 

Do I need to leave my home during a re-pipe?

No. This decision will be yours, made in consultation with the builder when planning the full home re-pipe.

What to do and other general? FAQ's

Is there a limit to the Industry Response?

The funding required for the Agreed Works Programme is uncapped by time and cost. 

Iplex has agreed to pay 80% of the direct costs incurred by Participating Builders

The WA Government has agreed to pay $30m, at 20%, towards those direct costs. If the government funding is exhausted, your builder will contribute 20%, and Iplex’s contribution will not change.

How do I know if my builder is a Participating Builder?

You should contact your builder in the first instance to find out if they are a Participating Builder. Alternatively, a list of Participating Builders can be found here which is updated regularly.

My builder is not a Participating Builder—what should I do?

Contact them to access repair works in line with the Agreed Work Programme.


  • your home has Typlex pipes;
  • you have experienced a Plumbing Failure
  • your builder has advised you they are not a Participating Builder in the Industry Response; and
  • your builder is not completing the repair works in line with the Agreed Work Programme, 

you should consider lodging a building services complaint with the Building Commissioner.


My builder is not part of the IR. Do I qualify for an LDU?

Yes, all Eligible Homes qualify for an LDU.

My builder is a Participating Builder, but is refusing to do the works required under the Agreed Work Programme. What should I do?

If you are unsatisfied with the time being taken to complete the required remedial works, you should discuss this with your Participating Builder. Unfortunately, due to the backlog, it may be some time before the remedial works can be started. 

However, if the participating builder refuses to perform the work as per the Agreed Work Programme or does not respond to you, please contact DEMIRS at

What happens to homeowners who have not experienced a Plumbing Failure?

All Eligible Homes, including those whose builders have not or are yet to agree to participate in the IR, are offered the supply and installation of an LDU free of charge.  

The only other action an owner of an Eligible Home needs to do is to stay in touch with their builder.

Not all homes will experience Plumbing Failures, so the IR does not contemplate pre-emptive work being done on WA homes that have not experienced a failure.

My builder has gone into administration. What do I do?

Owners of Eligible Homes where the original builder is insolvent can apply for funding under the IR. In this situation, homeowners should email for further information.

Who is a Qualifying Homeowner?

A homeowner of an Eligible Home may be considered a Qualifying Homeowner in the following scenarios: 

  • The builder of the Eligible Home is Insolvent
  • The homeowner has made reasonable efforts to identify the original builder but cannot find them
  • Homeowner was the owner builder or renovator


To be recognised as a Qualifying Homeowner, the homeowner should contact for more information, including how to confirm your eligibility as a Qualifying Homeowner. 

As a Qualified Homeowner, you may access the funding available under the IR and are eligible for the Agreed Work Programme

Will accessing support and repair work under the Agreed Work Programme impact my legal rights?

We are unable to provide legal advice. Please see this page for more details.

I have heard there is a class action. Am I entitled to any benefits under the Industry Response?

Yes, so long as you are the homeowner of an Eligible Home, you do not need to opt out of the class action to receive support offered under the Industry Response.

Whether or not the benefits or assistance you receive under the Industry Response will affect the compensation you could receive from the class action (if it is successful) will be decided during the class action.



What happens after I register for an LDU?

Once we receive your registration, we will confirm your eligibility and assign an accredited and trained installer who will arrange a suitable time with you to install the unit at your property.

Will I still be eligible for my builder to perform the Agreed Work Programme?

Yes, your eligibility for the Agreed Work Programme is not impacted by your decision to receive or not receive an LDU. 

Do I need to provide a pipe sample?

No, you do not need to provide a pipe sample. However, physical verification may be required to confirm that you have a Typlex pipe installed in your home. This may involve the installing plumber looking into your ceiling or other place in your home to view and photograph exposed pipes.

How does an LDU work?

As part of the programme, the preferred supplier of LDU is Phyn. 

Phyn LDUs use AI-driven real-time algorithms coupled with high-definition pressure waves and ultrasonic flow sensors to monitor your home plumbing systems 24/7. This enables you to receive real-time alerts on your smart device. If a leak is suspected, the LDU can automatically shut off the water flow into your home, minimising damage.

The Phyn device will initially operate in a ‘learning mode’ to understand your home’s typical water use. 

During this learning period, the ‘auto shutoff’ feature is disabled. However, the device will still send you alerts via the Phyn app if it suspects a leak in your system. 

Please note that the Phyn LDUs require Wi-Fi connectivity and pairing with a smart device (e.g., phone or tablet) to finish the setup. If this step is not completed, the unit will not work. Once the LDU has enough information about your home’s water use, the ‘auto shutoff’ feature will be automatically enabled. This usually occurs within two to three weeks.

You can learn more about the Phyn here.

Will the LDU detect all Plumbing Failures?

LDUs assist in the early identification of Plumbing Failures in your home. However, some factors may impact the unit's effectiveness in detecting some leaks depending on different circumstances, such as the type of plumbing issues, unit functionality, internet connection and configuration settings, amongst others. Whilst LDUs can provide valuable early warning alerts for many types of plumbing issues, no device can guarantee the detection of all Plumbing Failures. 

You'll need to regularly monitor the LDU notifications you receive and act promptly on these notifications.

When can I expect it to be installed?

Installation of your LDU will be arranged as soon as practicable after you register to receive one. This involves coordinating a suitable time for you and the installer. A large number of units are in stock in Perth and available for supply.

The programme will prioritise homeowners who have already experienced a Plumbing Failure

How are the LDUs installed?

An accredited and certified installer plumber arranged by the Programme will install an LDU at your property free of charge. It typically takes 1-2 hours to install an LDU, but this may vary depending on the circumstances of the home. A responsible adult with a smart device will need to be available during the installation to pair the unit and finish the set-up.

The installer will arrange for the required plumbing permits to be submitted.

Separate visits may be required when a qualified electrician is required to complete an installation. 

The unit may require an internet connection via your Wi-Fi. If a Wi-Fi extender is required, you will need to get one at your cost, and it is not included in the programme. Please note that the Phyn LDUs require Wi-Fi connectivity and pairing with a smart device (e.g., phone or tablet) to finish the setup. If this step is not completed, the unit will not work. 

The location of the LDU is important to its effective operation. However, as each home has a different configuration, including the pipework layout and access to an electrical supply, we cannot necessarily install the LDU at a place of your preference. Installing plumbers will work with you to agree on the most suitable location for the LDU, considering these factors, and we are sorry in advance if your preferred location is not possible for any reason.

What if I don’t have a Wi-Fi at my home?

Unfortunately, the Phyn LDU requires Wi-Fi to connect and work effectively.  

If you do not have Wi-Fi at home, please let us know by emailing, and we will contact you with alternate options. 

I have had a Plumbing Failure, will my home be prioritised?

Yes, if you have experienced a Plumbing Failure in your Eligible Home, where possible, we will work with qualified installers to prioritise your home.

I have already received a partial or full ceiling pipe replacement, is my home eligible?

Yes, you are eligible as long as your home is an Eligible Home and Typlex Pro-fit pipes are still installed.

I have already funded and installed my own LDU, will you reimburse me?

No, this offer only applies to LDUs provided by Iplex under its LDU programme. 

Can I buy my own LDU and be reimbursed?

No, this offer only applies to LDUs provided by Iplex under its LDU programme. 

Who owns the LDU?

Complete ownership of the LDU (including any warranty or guarantees from the manufacturer) transfers directly to the homeowner once installed. 

Where can I go for more information?

If you still have further questions, please email or call 1300 502 722.

What will happen if the LDU notifies me of a potential leak?

Broadly, two scenarios apply here. You will need to undertake the following activities before you call your builder under either of them: 

  • Scenario 1: You receive a notification on the app for a flow alert or a pressure drop, but the water has NOT been shutoff
    • Look around your home for an obvious leak source. Examples of common sources could be dripping faucets, toilet flappers, dripping taps, leaking irrigation systems, small drip leaks, amongst others
    • If you cannot find the source of the leak and do not know the cause of the notification, please use the ‘plumbing check’ feature within the Phyn app and contact the Phyn Customer Support team at 1800 203 446 (available 8 am to 5 pm AWST Monday to Friday) or visit Phyn's dedicated website for help 
  • Scenario 2: You receive a notification on the app for a flow alert or a pressure drop, AND the water has been shutoff
    • Look for visible water around the home:
        1. If an obvious source can be found and corrected (e.g. open tap, running hose), there is no need to call your builder
        2. If it is clear that it could be a Typles Plumbing Failure (e.g. damp wall or ceiling) or no source can be found -please call your builder
    • Please keep the water off 

Please review the Homeowner Guide to understand what you should do when a potential plumbing failure occurs.

You will appreciate that your LDU could identify all types of plumbing issues in your home. Therefore, if during a leak identification by a plumber, it is determined that the leak is not an Eligible Plumbing Failure, you will need to organise and fund the remediation work for that leak.  

What if I am having issues with the LDU or the LDU is not working?

Please contact the Phyn Customer Care team at 1800 203 446 (available 8 am to 5 pm AWST Monday to Friday) or visit  Phyn's dedicated website for help.

If the unit is faulty, Phyn will provide us with a statement to replace your unit. Then, the LDU Support team will contact you to schedule a replacement.

Who is participating in the Leak Detection Unit Programme?

Iplex Pipelines (Australia) Pty Ltd is funding and administering the Perth leak detection unit installation programme as part of the Industry Response. Iplex works with subcontracting installation partners to complete the installation.

I am renting my property, what should I do?

Please inform your agent or landlord of this programme. If the home is an Eligible Home, they should be able to register to have one installed. Please note that the title of the unit will be transferred to the property owner at the time of installation. 

What is the process for the installation of the Phyn app for tenanted properties?

We suggest that the app be installed by the tenant or the person living at the property. Regular water usage monitoring is required, and a notification is sent when the water is shut off when the unit has detected any plumbing failure. However, the decision should be made between the property owner and the tenant. 


In case of the end of the lease, please follow the below steps:

  • The tenant has installed the app: If the tenant vacates the property, the tenant should deactivate the account and disconnect the unit by calling Phyn Customer Care support at 1800 203 446. The new tenant must install the app and pair the unit again by following the pairing instructions provided on this website    
  • The property owner or manager has installed the app: please follow the instructions listed by Phyn to connect the unit to the new WIFI router: click here for instructions